About Me
Kamiasha Moses Tyner – Genealogist, Family Historian, Family Reunion Coordinator

Kamiasha At Age 4

My Paternal Grandmother, Age 100, Alive and SHARP!!!
About Me:
Kamiasha Moses Tyner here, Born in a little town called Kansas City, Missouri. I am a genealogist by the Universe choosing me, not the other way around. I would consider myself a “Familial Connection Professional Genealogist”. What does that even mean??!!! Well, most Family Historians or Genealogists focus on the research side of it, the migration patterns, the “Finding Your Slave Owner” side. I am a little different. YES, those things play a part and are VERY important, however, what’s the point of knowing all about the people that lived in the 1800s, but didn’t know that you went to school with your BLOOD cousins?
I am a Choctaw Freedman Descendant of Abelina Lewis, Dawes Roll # 2830, My Maternal Great Grandmother.

Why Did I Get Started?
People experience lots of “voids” in their lives and for me, the lack of family was ALWAYS my void, So I did a thing………It started as a quest to know where I came from, When people asked “Where are your people from?”, I had NO idea. I was 20. I started on my mother’s father’s side in 2005, all I knew was the last name Lewis and that was it. Then I went to my mother’s mother’s side Surname “Rich”…Fast forward 18 years later, this has been the MOST AH-MAZING and Important journey of my life!!!!! Hands Down!! I’ve found out SO many things and met some really cool people that I’m proud to call family. My tree is now 57 THOUSAND people deep and growing daily. When I did the Ancestry DNA, It not only verified ALL the research that I’ve been doing over the years, but it took my research to a whole nother level!!! Some of my coolest moments…. I am FINALLY ready to share them…….
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